Saturday, April 19, 2014

Famous Painters - Making Learning Fun

Little kids are promising empty vessels full of desire to learn!  I am so glad I did not underestimate my four and seven year olds, instead I went ahead and bought these coloring books of famous painters nd the results have been simply amazing!

I am exited to have realized that there is no limit to the capacity kids have.  No the sky is not the limit, with homeschooling there is no limit!

My girls love art!  We have a few aps that we use in order for them to get famiiar with the different artists!  We make sure to read the names of their paintings a few times, and after a while they stick!

Now my kids are familiar with Monet, Renoir, Van Goh, Marie Cassat etc.  and it makes me so happy because nobody ever did that for me when I was a little girl.  But because of homeschooling now I am learning too!  And enjoying it!

We also use Child Size Master Pieces...for Matching , pairing and sorting.  My kids also pic a picture and try to copy it the best they can.  Other times they tell a story with the picture, or they look at one of them for 30 seconds and then try to describe the picture.  It is fun , they enjoy it and they learn about Art !

 When my daughter did this one she was six years old !

Here is another daughter was five!

A bend of the Epte Giverne by Monet...this version by one of the Princesses!

"A Bridge Over the Sea Rose Pond" by Monet...  well by my six year old at the time!

Composition with Blue and Yellow by Piet Mondrian and the copy by a Princess Homeschooler (6 yrs old at the time)!

Have fun and remember :  Homeschool, it will always be worth your effort!!

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