Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter is our Joy!

Easter was calm, we are not home as you might know by now.   We have been in Costa Rica for six months, so everything has been harder in terms of trying to make special projects for special celebrations.  But coloring is always an easy choice and the girls have colored away! I have made sure I always carry with me a block of white paper, and enough crayons, coloring pencils and water colors as they need.  This has been a life-saver!

You know every time I read them Bible stories, I think that nothing will stick, that mine are words gone with the wind.  But not so, the wonderful stories of the Bible do stick!  Every time we are together and I share a special story, it does remain there somewhere.  And like a seed it takes hold of their heart, then one day without me noticing it bursts into life!

These pictures are inspired by stories we have read last year, and Gospels they heard at Holy Mass.  Our kids are listening!  Yes they listen, they remember and the Holy Spirit is there working within their hearts!

We give our time, we give our love, we give our best....God does the rest!

Here are some of our favourite Easter projects:

We made the egg crate Last Supper, this was really a wonderful project and it was worth the effort!  I found it in Pinterest I will put the link here .... for you.

For Lent we love to do Pysanky Eggs.  There are some designs that are not so hard, some are ok for children 5 and over if you supervise.  My daughter loved making them, she could not get enough of them!  And then you can decorate the house for Easter in a very creative, colourful and personal way!

We also found this craft in Pinterest.  You can get shaving cream mix it with glue and add food colouring.  The use it to decorate an egg on paper.  The kids will love it and they will spend a long time in a project that will bring out their creativity!

Have fun and remember :  Homeschool, it will always be worth your effort!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Life-sheets - a great way to learn science or any other subject !

Life-sheets is our own term....the girls love them.  We use the kind of cards you find in any tourist shop.  They are colorful, attractive and you find them on pretty much any topic from animals to national parks you name it.  You can make them into a book at the end of the year, and kids get to really learn their facts while they practice handwriting.  It is a win win win kind of deal!  Easy for trips, no carrying around big books, Internet always handy!

Have fun and remember :  Homeschool, it will always be worth your effort!!

Why Homeschool

This blog is to share some of the learning adventure my kids have begun by embarking in the homeschooling journey.  We are happy to share and hope some of it will encourage you, some of it will be helpful.  I will continue to work on each post as time allows.  Please be patient.  (Picture above "let them be little" borrowed for my collage from the fantastic site Simple Homeschooling).  My kids are happy to be working on this blog and specially happy to share with you some of their joy of homeschooling!

Now to our topic, why homeschool?!  Well I was one of those people that at first thought:  homeschooling?  What in the world is that?  See I am from Costa Rica and although I grew up moving from one country to the next I never met a home-schooler and never heard about it.  So the first thing that passed my mind was, the kids would not meet anyone they probably 
turn into weirdos.  I know, very open minded of me!  Yeah right!

But at this time in my life, when i started hearing about homeschooling, I was living in Canada.  British Columbia to be exact and it so happens that in BC there are many families that homeschool.  So,  as time passed and I met more homeshooling families.  And the more I met the more impressed I was.  The kids were friendly and outgoing, they actually were so nice, that they made me and my classmates (when I was in school) look like the weirdos.  

I was so impressed my heart stared opening and warming up to the idea.  Then one day my husband came home and told me about a great scandal that happened in Vancouver that involved about four Private schools, two of which we had been seriously considering for our oldest girl that was fast approaching kindergarden age.  I will not tell you details because they are truly horrible, but it involved some kids filming a special needs girl in a very personal and embarrassing way and sharing that on the internet.  Passing it to the other schools, where this became so bad the police had to come and take the computers and everything.  It was terrible!

So this got me seriously thinking that homeschooling could be an option for us.  My husband and I t down and weighed the pros and cons and let me tell you the pros won by a mile.  For us the list was like this:

Why homeschool?

- you get to chose the curriculum that fits your child best.  If they are advanced there is no limit as to how fast you can advance.  If they are special needs or they just do not get concepts that fast you can go slow,a s slow as they need without the teacher pressuring them or classmates making fun of them.

-  no bullies.  You can really find a great group of friends that fit well with your family.  There are many great homeschooling families, some religious some not at all.  But for sure even if there are not many homeschoolers in your area you will help your small child find friends that are worth having.

- better chance they will be protected from drugs.  Drugs, sex, alcohol will be addressed by at home lovingly but not glamorized or misrepresented.  Who knows more your kid, you or a teacher that has twenty others?  Who cares more for your kid?  You or that same teacher?

-  the time kids spend at school now days is way too long.  Homeschooling allows your kids to be kids.  They get to play and enjoy while learning.  For K-1. We homeschooled four times a week maximum of 1 hour a day.  And my girl's official grades were mostly exceeding expectations.  They 
learn at home next to you their favorite person!  They learn more and faster!  There is no wasting time, this means more time to play, more time to go to field trips, more time to be a kid!

-  There are many different styles of learning and many easy curriculums you can select from.  You can investigate until you find the style that fits you and your child.  There is no limit to what you can do!  These awesome, complete and easy to follow curriculums take you by the hand and guide you step by step explaining in great detail what to do.  There is all the help you need out there, if you want it.  If you are confident and you want to go a different way, there is room for that to.  You will find a curriculum, or a style that fits your kid and your family well.

- There is a supportive homeschooling community out there.  .   We all share info and encourage each other.

-  and as of turning into weirdos that is far from the truth.  They turn into confident friendly kids that reach out to meet people because  they have to make an effort if they are going to have friends.  And kids do want to have friends, so they try harder and they use all their charm.  They stop caring about ages, no a homeschooler does not discriminate based on age!  Anyone is game!  If you are friendly and nice you are a candidate  for a friend.  A homeschooler does not live in a box, literally like school kids are.  A homeschooler sees people for who they are, they do not judge based on size or age.  They  great kids to be around!

I will continue my list in a future post because, yes there are more reasons to homeschool!

Have fun and remember :  Homeschool, it will always be worth your effort!!

Make a Costa Rican Carreta

Here in Costa Rica you see carretas everywhere.  We particularly enjoyed a town called Saychi.  In Sarchi you find the biggest carreta in the world!  Also in Sarchi you can observe skillful painters while they work on beautiful carts of all sizes!  It was an amazing experience, and we were blessed when we found this craft in the Internet...I will put link to the original site later on.

It is so easy!  Get scissors, glue construction paper and then get creative!  You will feel like a Sarchi artisan!

Have fun and remember :  Homeschool, it will always be worth your effort!!

Costa Rican Adventure

In Costa Rica we had many fantastic adventures.  Encounters with animals, an experiencing the rain forest, volcanoes and more.  Every time we tried to have a craft or at least to have some coloring pages for it to really stick in their memory.  We started a sort of a science journal with a picture of every animal we saw and a small simple explanation.  

 We had the blessing of volunteering in a sea turtle hatchery!  That was an experience of a lifetime!

We have also seen many monkeys.  Both Howler Monkeys and White faced Capuccins!

We have seen literally hundreds of different colorful dragonflies in Guanacaste Costa Rica!  My little girls decided to paint them with water colors!

We even had a close encounter with a Mexican Parrot snake!

We had a tour in a typical Costa Rican Carreta, pulled by oxen!  Then we decided to make a craft about Carretas!

Volcano fun !

This is a Field trip we did to Irazu Volcano in Costa Rica!

It was a fun filled adventure to go so close to the crater!  Homeschooling has given us the flexibility to be able to travel and still learn, and for that  I am grateful!

Have fun and remember :  Homeschool, it will always be worth your effort!!

Famous Painters - Making Learning Fun

Little kids are promising empty vessels full of desire to learn!  I am so glad I did not underestimate my four and seven year olds, instead I went ahead and bought these coloring books of famous painters nd the results have been simply amazing!

I am exited to have realized that there is no limit to the capacity kids have.  No the sky is not the limit, with homeschooling there is no limit!

My girls love art!  We have a few aps that we use in order for them to get famiiar with the different artists!  We make sure to read the names of their paintings a few times, and after a while they stick!

Now my kids are familiar with Monet, Renoir, Van Goh, Marie Cassat etc.  and it makes me so happy because nobody ever did that for me when I was a little girl.  But because of homeschooling now I am learning too!  And enjoying it!

We also use Child Size Master Pieces...for Matching , pairing and sorting.  My kids also pic a picture and try to copy it the best they can.  Other times they tell a story with the picture, or they look at one of them for 30 seconds and then try to describe the picture.  It is fun , they enjoy it and they learn about Art !

 When my daughter did this one she was six years old !

Here is another daughter was five!

A bend of the Epte Giverne by Monet...this version by one of the Princesses!

"A Bridge Over the Sea Rose Pond" by Monet...  well by my six year old at the time!

Composition with Blue and Yellow by Piet Mondrian and the copy by a Princess Homeschooler (6 yrs old at the time)!

Have fun and remember :  Homeschool, it will always be worth your effort!!

Crazy about Dinos

My kids are crazy about Dinos!  Luckily we are in Costa Rica Right now and we found this wonderful Dino Park in Guanacaste!

Even my three year old preschooler is trying to learn all he can about Dinos!  Every chance I get I do. Craft or get some coloring pages to encourage his love for Dino's!

Feel free to borrow any of these pictures!  My kids are beyond excited to have started this blogand they want to share evrything with you!

In addition to visiting a Dino Park like this one or a museum I like complementing their experience with games and worksheets.  We have an awesome Dinosaur Bingo we play with frequently, and slowly even my three year old son is memorizing all the difficult Dino names.  It is fun and it sticks.

We also have small replicas that we love to play with, that we have purchased through the internet.
Imagine you are journeying back in time and have a blast with your kids.  After all nothing can teach like role play, and playtime with mom and dad has no competition it wins hands down when it comes to a great learning experience!  Go for little with them and have fun!

See Crazy about Dinos part 2